Curvue Kids Academy

What is it?

Curvue Kids Academy is a fun, hands-on learning experience for elementary aged (K-5) children, focused on sustainability + environmental friendly projects.

What’s this summer’s schedule?

  • JUNE 12 + 26

    Is all about FROGS! We are going to be learning about frogs, their impact on the ecosystem + how to create safe frog habitats.

  • JULY 10 + 24

    Is all about the BEES + BUTTERFLIES! Learn about the extremely important role pollinators, like bees + butterflies play. We will build pollinator attracting homes.

  • AUGUST 14 + 28

    Is all about BIRDS! Learn about different types of birds, how they act as pollinators, how to identify them + how to attract different birds to your property.


Do we need to bring anything?

No, all materials will be provided.

Can my younger children join?

We would like the focus to remain on elementary aged students, but do understand that may be some younger siblings tagging along.

Is registration based on the current school year or the next?

Registration is based on the next coming school year. For example, my child will be entering or still in elementary school in the upcoming fall.

Do I need to stay with my child?

We would appreciate you staying and actively learning/participating with your child.

Can I register all of my eligible children at once?

You can register each of your children at one time, but would appreciate individual forms completed for each of your children.

What is the cost?

CKA is free to all students. However, if you are able, we would appreciate any donations to help cover the cost of the materials.

Do we have to attend all sessions to participate?

The short and quick answer, no. You can attend the sessions that work for you. We know summers get busy. We purposely planned two sessions each month to accommodate the potential of missing one. We also planned to repeat the same lesson/activity for the second session of the month so that your child doesn’t have to miss out on an activity. …and yes, you can attend both sessions in a month.